I'm an Intuitive Healer, Expansion Coach and Business Mentor.

I help Healers, Empaths and Entrepreneurs step into their power and create joyful and abundant businesses their way.

Intuitive Business Intensive

This 90-min Intensive is the perfect combo of energy work, intuitive guidance and strategy/creating next steps.

We will start by tuning into the energy of your business, and clearing anything that’s not in alignment and creating blockages, limitations, stagnancy, fear etc

I will then listen to the energy of your higher self and your business and share any advice, guidance, next steps, reframes etc that it would like you to know. After that we will create a plan for tangible next steps for you to take within your business.

This service also comes with 1 week (Monday - Friday) Voxer Coaching to support next steps


Voxer Mentorship

You’ll have a business mentor/ psychic channel / cheerleader in your back pocket to provide a sounding board, intuitive guidance, and support you in taking tangible next steps to create your soul business YOUR way

Voxer Mentorship also includes access to an exclusive resource bank to provide you with even more tools, and support in becoming your most aligned self in business

Full Mentorship Packages

This service is the best of both worlds. You get the hands on energetic shifting of the Intuitive Business Intensives with the day to day support of Voxer Mentorship.

Each mentorship package is a bit different and can be customized to you and your needs however they all have one thing in common - you and your business will never be the same

Other Ways to Work with Me

Energetic Readings

Think of this service as a vibe check. We look into what’s up within your energy (generally, around a life aspect, OR relationship) and how it’s affecting you.

Energetic Clearing Intensives

During an energetic clearing we look into the energy, how it’s affecting you then figure out why the heck it’s showing up there in the first place.

We clear the energy as needed, including removal of energetic cords to people, situations and limiting beliefs that no longer serve you

Personal Coaching + Mentorship

As a coaching client you get access to ALL of the juicy + divinely connected insights I have to share. Each coaching package is a bit different however they all have one thing in common - you’ll never be the same