Finding a coach that you VIBE with - like that "omg - I'd totally be friends with her" type of vibe is just as important as a coach with skills and expertise. 


So... without further ado - allow me introduce myself


I'm a Master Energy Healer and Expansion Coach. I give AF about helping people get rid of all the BS that is preventing them from embodying who they truly are (aka. their happiest, healthiest, most expansive + abundant selves). 

Outside of work - I am a wifey + mama. I love nature and animals. You'll often find me out in the forest chilling with my family and our 1 year old Labradoodle - Juno. I also love to follow my joy, and frequently find fun new creative outlets from crocheting, making crystal art, gardening etc. 


As a weird little kid, I always knew I was different. I could feel and sense things that others just simply couldn't.

Now - my parents knew about and did energy work (reiki) so it was normal-ish but as I got older those gifts didn't feel safe anymore and so I pushed them down, and pushed them down HARD.

About 10 years + a crap ton of trauma later when I had my son I wanted to be able to use reiki to help him (ps. It's great for getting kids to sleep too) and felt called to the basic reiki principles which all start with "just for today..." 

At that point in my life things were so F-ed up that I had no choice but to take things a day at a time if I had any chance of sanity and so I learned reiki, became vegan & about 2 months later was able to get out of that crazy situation. 

I knew I had SO much healing ahead of me. I tried therapy - which didn't do much because I was already hyper aware of everything that happened and how it affected me. I tried letting time do its thing - also to no avail and then I tried energy work & with each session I felt lighter. 

I eventually then started getting into yoga, meditation & healing crystals and decided to start my own crystal business. Shortly after that I felt the nudge to share energy healing with others & the rest is history. 

Kate before healing:

  • Heartbroken AF

  • Stuck in a dissociated state

  • Struggling with CPTSD

  • Had 0 Idea who she was

  • Constantly people-pleased

  • Broke AF & living with her parents (as a single mom @ 21)

  • Working a shitty corporate job she HATED


If you read my story - you already know that it’s been one HECK of a ride getting to where I am.

Energy healing has changed every single aspect of my life in ways that are better than I could have even imagined.

Me Now

  • Engaged to an AMAZING man - like legit manifested TF out of him

  • Connected & Present Mama

  • Knowing fully and LOVING who I am

  • Setting boundaries & speaking my truth

  • Living in a home I love

  • Running an abundant soul-led business full time

I have experienced first hand how energy work has not only the power to HEAL but to create rapid expansion. I feel called to share this incredible gift with others so that they too can release all of the energetic BS keeping them from living their best, happiest, most abundant lives.